Offering listeners unique access to MA Financial’s expert insights
Blue background with double white arc going from bottom to right side on right hand side. MA Financial Group logo and the text What Matters, A podcast by MA Financial Group.
Published 3 May 2024
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Episodes are released monthly on Apple Podcasts and Spotify

Season two

Episode 6 | October 2024
Australia's residential real estate market
Tune in to discover how ‘shop top housing’ could be a solution to Australia’s housing supply crisis, the challenges posed by planning delays and rising construction costs, as well as the latest trends in Australia’s luxury housing market. Plus, find out why Sydney’s premier apartments are now considered valuable global assets.

Listen to this episode: Apple Podcast | Spotify

Episode 5 | August 2024
Olympic Edition with Grant Hackett
From dominating the 1500m freestyle at the Sydney and Athens Olympics to growing and leading Generation Development Group as CEO, Grant Hackett shares insights on Olympic glory and competing against other Olympic legends like Kieran Perkins, Ian Thorpe and Michael Phelps. Touching on some of the themes in Andrew’s book What Matters, the precursor to this podcast, Grant also provides tips for excelling under pressure, goal setting and providing effective feedback.

Listen to this episode: Apple Podcast | Spotify

Episode 4 | June 2024
'Money, Children and Happiness' with The Barefoot Investor, Scott Pape
Scott recently presented on "Money, Children and Happiness: From Surviving to Thriving in the Cyber Age," co-presenting with Arun Abey AM, the Executive Chairman of renowned wealth management firm Walsh Bay Partners. The pair explored how kids can go from surviving to thriving in the cyber age. In an in-depth discussion with MA Financial Group Vice Chairman Andrew Pridham AO, the pair share insights from their presentation, including tips on: - Building capability in our kids - Strategies to encourage kids to start their own business - Raising grounded children - Financial literacy.

Listen to this episode: Apple Podcast | Spotify

Episode 3 | May 2024
Lessons on investing and success with investment banking legend Ken Moelis
This episode features a rare and in-depth conversation with Wall Street icon Ken Moelis who discusses his predictions for the US election and the state of the economy. In a discussion with Andrew Pridham AO, Ken shares his insights and experience on secrets to long term success, negotiations, winning business in competitive markets, and how he prioritises tasks.

Listen to this episode: Apple Podcast | Spotify

Episode 2 | Mar 2024
US Election '24 - Who wins and how it will change the world
The 2024 US Presidential Election will have major implications for the economy and global markets. MA Financial Group Vice Chairman and Sydney Swans Chairman Andrew Pridham AO discusses US politics and Trump v Biden with special guest Eric Cantor, Vice Chairman and Managing Director at Moelis & Company and former US Representative for Virginia.

Listen to this episode: Apple Podcast | Spotify

Episode 1 | Dec 2023
Holiday edition
In this special holiday edition, media personality Adam Spencer and MA Financial co-founder Andrew Pridham talk the business of sport. Listen to their insightful chat with former CEO of the AFL Gillon McLachlan and MA Financial Chairman and Collingwood President Jeffrey Browne. Andrew also hosts an expert panel discussion with MA Financial’s Head of Real Estate Credit Drew Bowie and Finsure Managing Director John Kolenda on what to expect in residential property in 2024 and beyond.

Listen to this episode: Apple Podcast | Spotify

Season one is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify


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